Sunday, October 28, 2012

Our smiley elephant

A Busy, Busy, Busy Weekend

We had a very busy weekend in the Bretz household. This weekend Matt's parents and brother came up to visit, since they have not seen Katelyn since September. On Friday night I actually took advantage of them being here and headed into the city to celebrate Laura's 30th birthday. We headed out to a couple of bars to celebrate. On Saturday we headed to Brookfield Zoo. The zoo was decorated for Halloween and Katelyn wore her elephant costume. We spent about two hours there. Katelyn loved looking at the monkeys and the penguins. She is getting at an age that she actually is watching and looking at the animals. Today we went bowling and then headed to Amanda and Tim's for the Bears game. Although busy weekends are fun, I look forward to relaxing on the couch tonight!!!
Reading with Uncle Kevin

At the zoo with Oma and Grandpa


Family Pic

Katelyn and Uncle Don

Looking at the monkeys with Dad

Check out those penguins Oma

Grandpa and Katelyn looking at the gorillas

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday Funday

Today, we went over to Carrie and Paul's house for some football and food. The two kiddos played together and we all enjoyed the food and company. It is always nice to spend our Sunday with great friends!

The Notre Dame Game

On Saturday, Matt and I went to the Notre Dame football game. We decided to leave early, because we had never been there and we wanted to walk around the campus before the game. It is such a beautiful campus and it has a lot of different game day traditions, that we wanted to be a part of. First of all, the quad is HUGE compared to ISU. All the buildings and dorms are around the quad. It is neat because on game day there are tents of food vendors all around the quad.. We enjoyed a burger or two. Two hours before the game started the band plays in front of one of the buildings on the quad. The band is AMAZING and very entertaining. We then watched the band march down to the stadium and went into the game. Notre Dame won, so that was exciting, and a great end to the day. Thanks to my friend Ibby's parents, we were able to experience such a fun tradition! 

The Grotto.....people lighting the candles..I am just saying a few prayers

The Golden Dome

Black and White Golden Dome

Matt and I at the game!!

Go ND!!!

Pumpkin Patch with Grammie & Papa

Matt and I went to the Notre Dame game on Saturday. We were gone for the whole day, so Grammie and Papa were in charge. Katelyn had a great day with them. They took her to a pumpkin farm in the late afternoon. They dressed her up as a pumpkin and she fit right in!!!
Crawling all over the pumpkins

I think I found the perfect pumpkin

Not to sure about the hay

So happy!!

I really did have a good time 

Papa and Katelyn

Monday, October 8, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

Matt and I both had Columbus Day off, so we decided to take advantage of this family time, and head to the pumpkin farm. It was nice and sunny, but really windy at the farm. We had a great time exploring the farm with Katelyn.
Katelyn and Dad going down the slide

Mom and Katelyn at the pumpkin farm

Yee-haw...riding on the horse

I want this one guys

Looking at the animals....nice llama

Hi Katelyn
Great time at the pumpkin farm

Eleven Months

I can not believe Katelyn is almost a year!!! It just seems like yesterday when I was pregnant with her. At eleven months she is getting into everything. She can pull herself up on everything, hence she is getting into it all. She is getting into cabinets, anything left on the coffee table, toilet paper in the bathroom, and anything at her level. Matt and I always have to be on our "A" game or else she is getting into something else. Katelyn still loves music and will dance whenever we play music. Her dancing includes moving her shoulders, swinging her arms, and sometimes raising the roof. Her new thing is to open her mouth up really wide when she is excited about something, which is A LOT. She is such an easy-going and happy little girl. She has always been this way, lets hope this stays with her. We are still taking swim lessons, and I think she is part fish. She still eats EVERYTHING and is a good little eater. We look forward to celebrating her first birthday in November!! Time for another one???

Likes to come crawling at the camera!

Sitting and smiling

Her excited face

Hugging her bear 

Books, Books, and More Books.........

One of Katelyn's favorite activity to do is look at all her books. She has a huge bag of books that she can look at. It is so cute when I watch her "reading" her books. Her favorite by far is Spot, but she has many other favorites as well.