Monday, February 20, 2012

Trying Cereal

yummy, yummy, in my tummy

Please give me more

Such a big girl!
Since Katelyn downs a 6oz bottle every three hours. I decided to try and give her some rice cereal as well. I started giving it to her this weekend. I fed it to her around dinner time this past weekend. She loved it. Of course at first she was spitting a lot of it out, but she would get really excited for the next spoonful. I think this little one LOVES to eat!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Katelyn's Baptism

Katelyn's baptism was yesterday. It was a very special day for her. She was perfect in church the whole time! She did not seem to mind at all the water being poured on her head. She also was escorted around the church with Pastor Gary and she just looked around the whole time while he held and talked about her to everyone. After the mass we took some pictures, and then she fell asleep during those! Everyone came back to our house for some appetizers and we had lunch catered. It was a wonderful celebration  with great family and friends. We are so blessed to have this little girl in our lives!
Godparents Aunt Lisa and Uncle Kevin

Uncle Ryan, Grammie, and Papa with Katelyn

The proud grandparents

Opa, Oma, Uncle Mark, Uncle Kevin with Katelyn

The Strzelczyk Family with Katelyn

Cute flower and cross cookies

Adorable cake

Opening gifts

More cute outfits

Friday, February 10, 2012

Professional Pictures

My mom and I took Katelyn to a picture place in the mall on Tuesday. Since, she has been smiling so much lately, we thought it would be cute to try and get some pictures taken. I let her take a long nap in the afternoon and fed her, then we were on our way to the mall. She took pictures in her baptism gown. She is getting baptized on Sunday. It is a very special gown because it has been passed down from three generations on the Bretz side of the family. She did not really like it, because it has a lot of layers. Katelyn also took pictures in her purple tutu thanks to her Auntie Katherine! My mom and I were in charge of making Katelyn smile. I am pretty sure if you walked by you would have thought we were crazy people. We were jumping around and making funny faces to get her to smile. We got a lot of cute ones. Of course I ordered a bunch of different shots. The ones I am posting are from the website and have the lettering over it, so you can't print them. Here is a sneak peek of the pictures that I ordered!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Three months old

Katelyn turned three months old yesterday! She has grown so much in the past month! I was just telling Matt today that I think she is getting a lot heavier. Katelyn LOVES to eat. She eats mostly every two hours on the dot! This past month she is now smiling all the time at her mom and dad. She smiles the most in the morning right after she eats. Sometimes she wakes up smiling and talking. I love that when that happens. She is almost rolling over, she will roll to her side from her back and then get stuck by her arm. I know any day she will roll over. She still sleeps through the night 9-7. Let's hope this continues because mom is going back to work in two weeks. She loves to look around at everything that is going on. She had her first overnight with her Grammie and Papa on Saturday night. Mom and Dad went out in the city and stayed overnight. She did wonderful and Mom and Dad enjoyed their time out. Katelyn also blows a lot of bubbles and talks a lot. Katelyn likes musical toys and especially likes her musical jungle gym. We have loved seeing Katelyn grow and change over the last month. We can not wait to see what the next month brings! Of course when we were taking her three month picture she wouldn't really smile for us HA!

Tummy Time

Katelyn has been practicing a lot of tummy time lately. She is getting a lot stronger with lifting her head up. She sometime loves tummy time and other times gets upset right away. Today, she loved tummy time. She was talking like crazy when she was on her stomach! I snapped a few pictures of her today.