Thursday, July 14, 2011

Week 22

My seven best friends since elementary school and I decided to surprise Jen and Baby Henry in Denver for the long weekend. Of course we had a wonderful time. We laughed A LOT! It was a great time to just catch up and hang out like the good old days. We went hiking, we swam in the hot springs, we ate a lot, and we went out! Here are are few pictures of us having a fun time in Denver! I felt good the whole time. I even stayed out till 3am one night with the rest of them!

Week 21

Matt and I were very excited to go to the Doctors for our 20 week ultrasound. If we wanted to we could have found out the sex, but we made sure to tell the nurse  not to tell us. We got to see all the different parts of the baby, even the heart. It was pretty amazing how the baby has developed over the weeks. Everything looked great! We got some unique ultrasound pictures. Here are a few to share...........

Kind of creepy, but the baby's face and their mouth is wide open and eyes

Baby Bretz's two little Feet

Week 20

During this week of my pregnancy I got to meet baby Henry. He is my friend Jen's baby. They live in Denver and I do not get to see them to often. My friends and I decided to all meet up for dinner in the city. It was a lot of fun catching up and seeing baby Henry. He is such a cutie! I hope Baby Bretz is as cute and calm as him!
 All of us at Dinner in Chicago

Lisa and I 

Week 19

I have started with week 19 because I just now have started my blog......I have had a good pregnancy for the most part. The first trimester I was nausea but that went away around week 12. Matt and I are beyond excited to have a baby. We are not finding out the sex and we are not telling anyone the names. The whole thing is going to be a SURPRISE!!!