Sunday, September 23, 2012

At Ten Months...........

Katelyn is a very happy baby. She has always been this way and it continues to remain the same. She is pretty happy all the time! 
Katelyn is always on the move. It really is hard to get a picture of her sitting still, because she is ALWAYS on the move. She is very curious of everything around her. One of her favorite things is to come towards the camera when we are taking pictures. 

But sometimes to strangers Katelyn is very serious. She will not smile at someone if she is not sure of who they are. It is kind of funny, because people try to talk to her in the stores and she just stares back at them. 

Katelyn is not walking yet, but almost there. She still only has her two bottom teeth, but she has been kind of cranky lately, so my prediction is that she is teething. Happy 10 months Kate's. We love you!!!

Bear Down

Today, we went over to Tom and Leigh's house for a small Bears party. We brought Lisa with us as a surprise guest. It was nice to catch-up, eat, and hang out while watching the Bear's game!
Cutest Bear's Fan

Watching the game with Dad

Bear Down

Playing with Tom and Leigh..right Tom

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Vinay and Lisa's Wedding

My best friend from kindergarten got married on Labor Day weekend. It was an event that I can not even begin to describe, because it was quite the event. I had such an AMAZING time. I was in the wedding, so I was pretty busy the whole weekend. Here are some pictures from the weekend.
Lisa's hands after the Mendhi ceremony

Vinay riding in on the white horse to his bride

Some of the Bridesmaids in our saris

Dance off in the front of the Palmer House

Indian Wedding Ceremony
The Happy Couple

Hanging around the house.....

I decided to post some pictures from today, because I have not blogged in awhile. It has been a crazy three weeks to say the least. I captured some pictures of little Miss Katelyn doing what she does best.....pulling herself up on everything and climbing the stairs!
Looking at myself in the mirror


Climbing up the stairs