Saturday, November 26, 2011

Katelyn's First Thanksgiving

For Thanksgiving we went to my parent's house (Grammie and Papa's). We were surrounded by lots of family and Matt's family as well. Some of the relatives got to meet Katelyn for the first time. She was an angel all day/night. She slept for almost the whole time as everyone passed her around and held her. We ate a delicious meal thanks to my mom. We also played a game called, Truth be Told...this was a crack up. We ended the night  with watching, Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. Here are some pictures from Thanksgiving!
Katelyn's First Thanksgiving

Katelyn with her cousin Maggie

Great Grandma and Papa

Four Generations 

Grammie, Oma, and Auntie Sandy 

Grammie and Uncle Kevin

Kyle with Marley (who knows)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Teddy Bear Monthly Picture

Every month I am going to take a picture of Katelyn with her GIANT teddy bear! This will be a fun way to see how much she has grown over the months. These first pictures were taken when she was four days old. 
Napping in her bears lap!

Four Days old

Precious Little Katelyn

Carrie's Baby Shower

Katelyn's first time out of the house was to Carrie's baby shower today! Carrie's baby shower was at Biaggi's in Naperville. The food and company were great.  Katelyn was wonderful the whole time. She slept while everyone held her. She was held by a lot of different people that had not seen her yet. Katelyn can not wait to meet her new friend Cameron, when he is born in January. 
Carrie and Katelyn

Grammie and Katelyn

Carrie, Lisa, Leigh, Britt, and Katelyn

Sleeping Princess

Monday, November 14, 2011

Katelyn's First Week

Matt and I in the hospital waiting for the contractions to start

Grammie and Papa with Katelyn

Oma (Grandma Bretz) with Katelyn

Uncle Mark came to visit Katelyn in the hospital

Uncle Ryan visiting with Katelyn

Daddy and Katelyn

Princess Katelyn

Katelyn and her HUGE bear from Uncle Ryan

Katelyn and Dad just hanging out
Oma and Opa with Katelyn

Mom and Katelyn....look at that black hair!!!

Katelyn Emma Bretz

On November 5th at 11:57pm Katelyn Emma Bretz joined the world. This is one of the best moments that has happened to Matt and I. We are very blessed with a precious little girl. It all started on Saturday morning of the fifth of November. I was doing the usual house cleaning and I felt some pains and I had some leakage. I called Matt at work and told him and then he told me to call the doctor to make sure. After I talked to the doctor she said to go into the hospital to have them check me out. When I got to the hospital they knew right away that my water had broke. I then was admitted into the hospital. I was not having contractions so they put me on pitocin and man did the contractions start coming! Around 4pm I was in a lot of pain so I asked to have my epidural. After the epidural I was very relaxed and was hanging out with Matt, my mom and dad until 10pm. Then I was fully dilated and I started pushing. I pushed for two hours and at 11:57pm Katelyn was born. She is perfect and we love her so much! She weighed 6 pounds 15 ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long. The first week has been pretty good. We are all doing well and sleeping as much as possible.