Sunday, November 18, 2012

12 Months

Taking a picture of Katelyn is quite a chore now, since she is walking. She will not sit still for more then two seconds. This was our third and last  try to take her 12 month picture, but this is the best we could get.

Celebrating at Rosa's

No birthday is complete if you do not celebrate at Rosa's. Katelyn and her girlfriends had a little celebration for her 1st birthday at Rosa's on Friday. They had some cupcakes and opened a few presents.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Katelyn's Birthday Party

Katelyn loves her Spot books and she gets very excited when she sees Spot. I decided to go with a Spot themed birthday party for her. It was a challenge finding Spot decor  but I ordered some decorations online and made some myself. We invited family and friends to celebrate her birthday. It was a jammed packed house, but I would have not wanted it any other way. There are some many people that love Katelyn and she was definitely spoiled at her party. We had a great time celebrating and so did Katelyn, some how she managed to stay up until 10:30 pm. Maybe it was all the cake she ate!!!

Happy 1st Birthday Katelyn

In Matt's family it is tradition to give the birthday boy/girl breakfast in bed. We thought we would start off the tradition with Katelyn on Monday for her birthday. She actually woke up before we were ready with her breakfast. She did not want to stay in her crib, so we staged the picture. We sang to her and gave her a pancake with a candle in it. After that she opened up presents from Matt and I. We had a great morning celebrating her birthday.  It is so hard to believe that she is one already!!!
Breakfast in bed

Opening some presents

Excited for Spot

Loves her baby doll

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Busy Little Bee

Katelyn has been walking for the past two weeks. She walks everywhere around the house. Her balance is getting better each day. Katelyn still needs to keep her arms out for her balance and sometimes she looks like Frankenstein walking. I know now we will be trying to keep up with her!
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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween

We took Katelyn to do some trick-or-treating in my parent's neighborhood. She really did not know what was going on, but it was fun to go to a couple of houses, and see old neighbors. Katelyn was an elephant and it was the perfect costume for the chilly night. I am sure next year she will be running around, and we will be trying to keep up with her!
Our walking elephant.....yes, she is WALKING everywhere

Do I have to wear this?

Excited about the trick-or-treaters

Happy Halloween

Grammie can I have some candy?

Mom you are crazy

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Our smiley elephant

A Busy, Busy, Busy Weekend

We had a very busy weekend in the Bretz household. This weekend Matt's parents and brother came up to visit, since they have not seen Katelyn since September. On Friday night I actually took advantage of them being here and headed into the city to celebrate Laura's 30th birthday. We headed out to a couple of bars to celebrate. On Saturday we headed to Brookfield Zoo. The zoo was decorated for Halloween and Katelyn wore her elephant costume. We spent about two hours there. Katelyn loved looking at the monkeys and the penguins. She is getting at an age that she actually is watching and looking at the animals. Today we went bowling and then headed to Amanda and Tim's for the Bears game. Although busy weekends are fun, I look forward to relaxing on the couch tonight!!!
Reading with Uncle Kevin

At the zoo with Oma and Grandpa


Family Pic

Katelyn and Uncle Don

Looking at the monkeys with Dad

Check out those penguins Oma

Grandpa and Katelyn looking at the gorillas

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday Funday

Today, we went over to Carrie and Paul's house for some football and food. The two kiddos played together and we all enjoyed the food and company. It is always nice to spend our Sunday with great friends!

The Notre Dame Game

On Saturday, Matt and I went to the Notre Dame football game. We decided to leave early, because we had never been there and we wanted to walk around the campus before the game. It is such a beautiful campus and it has a lot of different game day traditions, that we wanted to be a part of. First of all, the quad is HUGE compared to ISU. All the buildings and dorms are around the quad. It is neat because on game day there are tents of food vendors all around the quad.. We enjoyed a burger or two. Two hours before the game started the band plays in front of one of the buildings on the quad. The band is AMAZING and very entertaining. We then watched the band march down to the stadium and went into the game. Notre Dame won, so that was exciting, and a great end to the day. Thanks to my friend Ibby's parents, we were able to experience such a fun tradition! 

The Grotto.....people lighting the candles..I am just saying a few prayers

The Golden Dome

Black and White Golden Dome

Matt and I at the game!!

Go ND!!!