Friday, October 25, 2013

Carving a pumkin

Last night, Katelyn and Matt carved a pumpkin together. Katelyn was REALLY into helping take out the seeds from the pumpkin. Matt was REALLY into carving the face. I was REALLY into playing the background Halloween music. We all did our part. We lit the pumpkin and put him outside for all our neighbors to see!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Quick Trip

We took a quick trip to Springfield this weekend, so Noah could meet his great grandma. It was a busy two days, but we were glad to visit with everyone and have them meet her little man!

Safety Town

I was excited to take Katelyn trick or treating to Safety Town this year. I was thinking she would be afraid of everyone in their costumes, but she was the complete opposite. She loved waving to all the kids and adults dressed up. She was not scared of any of the creepy costumes, in fact she seemed to like those the best. I bet she will have a BLAST on Halloween!

Cheesin it...

Most of the time Katelyn does not smile at the camera, when I want her too. Last week though, it was a different story, her smile was great and I actually had the camera handy to capture it. I just love these pictures of her!!!

Pumpkin Farm #2

On Friday, we headed to Johansen's Pumpkin Farm. It was ridiculously cold out, so we did not stay too long, but we were able to do most of the activities at the farm. It was nice to spend the day with Uncle Shaun, he has been visitng from Florida!
Katelyn and Matt feeding the hungry goats

These little guys escaped from their pen.

Funny picture of Matt with the goat.

Katelyn treating the goat, like our dog Moxie. 

Noah all bundled up at the farm.

Holding the baby chick, she wanted to take him home. 

Uncle Shaun, Mom and Kates!

Finishing Katelyn's room

My Aunt Sandy and Mom put up the last of the decorations in Katelyn's room. I can not thank them enough for transforming the guest room into Katelyn's ADORABLE room!!! Here are the last two items.....
Butterflies above the guest bed

The window put up above her kitchen set

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Pumpkin Farm

On Sunday, we headed to Bengston's Pumpkin Farm. 

It was Grammie and Papa's idea to try out this pumpkin farm. Katelyn wanted to sit on the big pumpkin. 

Riding on the frog hopper. I was surprised that she was fearless and smiling the whole time. 

We watched little piggies race around a was the cutest thing!!!

The petting zoo was Katelyn's favorite part, we spent an hour in there and she did not want to leave. 

Riding on the pony with Papa. It was a beautiful day for the pumpkin farm. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Our Little Buddy

Our little guy is one month old. He definitely has given us a run for our money. Katelyn and Noah could not be anymore opposites as newborns. Do not get me wrong, we love him dearly, but he is not as easy going as Katelyn was as a newborn. He has a pair of lungs on him, that can be heard across the country. Unfortunately, Noah is colicky. He is not content laying on the floor or playing under a play mat. He wants to be held and moving. He likes to be bounced on our knees or his bottom being patted at all times. On the other hand he is an EXCELLENT sleeper. At night he usually sleeps from 10-4 and then from 5-7. He naps on and off during the day. Katelyn loves him to pieces. She is so sweet with him, trying to soothe him with a blanket, pacifier, or toy. She says, "It is okay buddy" or "Noah you do not need to cry." It just melts my heart the love she has for him. This first month has been a big adjustment for the Bretz family, but we love our family of four!!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Bath Time

Noah likes the bath sometimes and other times he does not. Katelyn likes to take baths with him, and will ask for him to come in with her. I put him in his little tub and stick it in the big tub with her. Bath time has just gotten twice as fun!!!
Enjoying the bath....

nope, not really 

Kate trying to "play" with Noah